We aim to strengthen our strategic partnership with the U.S., said Maia Sandu

"We aim to continue and enhance our strategic partnership with the U.S., including in the area of energy security. The U.S. has significantly supported Moldova, including with resources for concrete projects", stated President Maia Sandu when asked about her expectations for the future relationship with the Trump administration, IPN reports.

During a press conference, the President highlighted the substantial assistance Moldova has received from the United States, including resources for renewable energy projects, European market connectivity, and programs to boost economic competitiveness across various sectors.

“You know about the wine industry. We are trying to replicate this success for our fruit exports, aiming to achieve the same success in promoting Moldovan fruits on foreign markets. This collaboration is very important to us, and we want to continue it”, President Sandu noted.

Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election last fall. The Republican president will be inaugurated on January 20, as Democratic President Joe Biden concludes his term.

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