Yevgeny Shevchuk visits Moscow to discuss relations between Chisinau and Tiraspol

Visiting Moscow on Wednesday, January 30, Yevgeny Shevchuk, speaker of Transnistria’s Supreme Soviet, met with the chairman of the State Duma’s committee for CIS affairs, Alexei Ostrovsky, to discuss issues concerning the situation of the Russian citizens established in the Transnistrian region, as well as the current relations between Chisinau and Tiraspol. Shevchuk also met with Konstantin Kosachov, member of the United Russia Party and also chairman of the State Duma’s committee for foreign policy. Shevchuk and Kosachov discussed issues related to the development of inter-party co-operation and talked about ways of normalising relations between the authorities in Chisinau and the authorities of the breakaway region. On January 30, Moldova’s presidential press service announced that a Moldovan delegation was in Moscow “to continue discussions in the spirit of the understandings reached by the President of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, and the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin”.

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