Will specialized prosecutor's offices be reorganized or not

Any discussion about the reorganization of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office and the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases must be preceded by a complex analysis of the cases managed by these institutions, said MP of the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) Olesea Stamate, referring to the possible merger of the two institutions into a new entity. In the same connection, the chairman of the Dignity and Truth Platform (DA) Dinu Plîngău criticized the government's intention to carry out the reform of specialized prosecutor's offices only half a year before the parliamentary elections, IPN reports.

Olesea Stamate said that an evaluation is essential to substantiate an eventual decision to set up a new entity. "If there is a minimum analysis on this subject and there are opinions of experts who will say that this new entity will be more efficient, then why not?", the PAS MP noted in the program "The Shadow Cabinet" on Jurnal TV channel.

She also said that a number of institutional changes were made in recent years. Also, the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office was separated from the National Anticorruption Center. "It is a period during which the entity has to adjust to the new realities and this means a period during which nothing is done," explained Olesea Stamate.

DA Platform leader Dinu Plîngău said that the initiative to reorganize the specialized prosecutor's offices raises questions. "Half a year before the parliamentary elections, without the guarantee that this reform will have continuity, it is an unserious discussion," he stated in the same program.

Dinu Plângău explained his skepticism by the fact that it is not easy to create a body from scratch. He noted that entities that are less complex than the specialized prosecutor's offices were reorganized and it took years for them to start giving signs of functionality.

On January 20, President Maia Sandu convened a meeting of the Supreme Security Council during which the Ministry of Justice was recommended to prepare legislation to strengthen the institutional architecture of anti-corruption bodies. Subsequently, it was rumored that the specialized prosecutor's offices could be liquidated and replaced by one institution. The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office has been active since 2003, while PCCOCS was founded in 2016.

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