Cyberattack on the page. Data has not been compromised

The website has become the target of a cyberattack. A cybersecurity incident temporarily affected the site’s availability on the morning of the election, reports the Information Technology and Cybersecurity Service (STISC). STISC states that the site was hit by a DDoS cyberattack, which involves artificially overloading servers through multiple simultaneous requests, causing access difficulties and slowdowns, as reported by IPN.

STISC also mentions that specialists identified and neutralized the threat, and data integrity was not compromised.

“Specialists acted according to security protocols and restored the platform's functionality. Additional protection and monitoring measures have been implemented to ensure the continued functionality of the electoral information system.”

Authorities specify that the information infrastructure is monitored 24/7 and that all necessary resources are mobilized to ensure the smooth conduct of the electoral process.

The page was created by the Central Electoral Commission, providing various information on electoral processes.

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